Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Thriving When You're Waiting

I was reading the book, "The Princess and the Kiss" last night. For those of you who know about that book yes, it is a children's book. It has been my favorite book for as long as I can remember. When I was little I checked it out of the church library as often as I could. It was one of the first books I ever read when I learned to read, if not the first. When I was around the age of ten my mom bought it for me and it still sits on my bookshelf and I still read it periodically. The intention of the book is to teach little girls about purity and the princess is advised to only give her kiss to the man she will marry. Throughout the book many suitors come to call but the wise princess knows none of them are worthy of her kiss. She becomes discouraged, wondering if she will ever find a man worthy of her kiss. However, she refuses to settle and eventually meets her prince who is actually just a kind peasant when he meets her. Maybe it sounds corny but I just think it is such a sweet book. I don't know what made me read it last night but I did and it struck me with a new meaning. I always just took the book at face value, save yourself for marriage, wait for your prince and he will come, don't settle, etc. However, I have been focusing on and thinking about thriving lately. The whole reason I created this blog is to inspire others to thrive wherever they are in life, even if it's not where everyone else is, even if it's not where you want to be and that is exactly what the princess in this story does. She doesn't just survive and she is not locked in a tower just waiting for something that may or may not ever happen and that almost entirely depends on another person. She thrives. Of course she gets discouraged just like anyone else because she wants to be married but then she decides to focus on what she does have. I think this applies to all areas in life, not just relationships. Today I just want to encourage you to not focus on what you don't have and where you're not at and to take a moment and celebrate what you do have and where you are. After all, there was a time when you dreamed about getting to where you are today. Take a deep breath, look around, and count your blessings.


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