Saturday, October 19, 2019

Why I Don't Hate Men

There is a trend in our culture that has been around for a while but that in my opinion has become even more pronounced lately. This trend is empowering women. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a woman and am very glad women have rights and are taken seriously in our culture. I do think women should get equal pay and have the right to vote. I am glad that I have a voice and that I live in America. What bothers me is when "empowering women" leads to belittling men. I at any given time tend to have more guy friends than girl friends. I have always wondered why this is but never have been able to find a reason. I guess I just tend to naturally get along with guys well. I also have 3 brothers (I have sisters too). That being said I know a decent amount about guys and they deserve to have a voice too. I also happen to know that guys have feelings too. I know anyone would say that they know that but I don't think our words always reflect that. I'm not anti-women or anything (like I said I am a woman and enjoy having rights) but I think in the fight to have a voice we have to be careful not to silence the voices of others. Women are strong and we don't need to push others down to appear stronger. Now obviously I don't think women actually hate men but I do think men tend to get torn down in order for women to get built up and I do think that's a problem. There are some topics today that some women don't want men to have a say in. However, if women want a say in everything shouldn't men have a say in everything also? Isn't that equality? Some guys have even told me they are scared to open doors for girls anymore because the girls just say, "I can open a door myself." Clearly you can open the door yourself. I have never thought by opening doors for you guys are assuming you can't open the door yourself. I guess I just wanted to write this post to remind everyone that you don't have to tear others down to build yourself up, not all guys are bad and guys have feelings too.

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