Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Thriving When it Wasn't Supposed to be this Way

"It wasn't supposed to be this way." This seems to be one of the themes of my life right now. My life is in no way, shape or form anything like I thought it would be. That is saying a lot considering I had TONS of plans for my life. I had plans a-z mapped out just in case something didn't go exactly right and I had plans for my plans. My life is completely different from how I thought it would be and my life is very different from most people's in general. I once stopped and literally thought to myself, "It wasn't supposed to be this way!" But it WAS supposed to be this way. Now I can see my life is beautiful and I am so thankful it didn't go according to my plans because this is so much better than anything I ever could have planned. There is so much beauty in how my life is turning out to be. I have been able to spend more time with my siblings and had my life been even slightly different I wouldn't have started my blog. I have had enough free time to participate in 3 Bible Studies that have all blessed me so much and I wouldn't have had time for this had my life been how I thought it would be. I even became a SeneGence Distributor which has been SO much fun! I have learned how to thrive even though it wasn't supposed to be this way and here are the secrets:
1. Accept where you are in life right now.
The first step towards thriving is accepting. Nothing lasts forever and however hard this may be to believe, there may come a time when you miss this period in your life.

2. Focus on the positives.
No matter what you are going through there is something good in it. Believe it and then search for it. Choose at least one thing you wouldn't be able to do or at least to focus on if things were different. The first thing is usually hardest to find but after that several more will probably come to you.

3. Count your blessings.
This goes hand in hand with focusing on the positives. Basically count your blessings and then focus on them.

4.Trust God.
This is so simple yet so hard. ACTUALLY trust God. Trust that He has you where you are for a reason and that you are in the palm of His hand. This is all for a reason, even if you never know what that reason is.
Don't just sit there and twiddle your thumbs until things start looking the way you thought they would. Do something to help someone else. No matter what you're going through and how things look just remember, it always was supposed to be this way :)

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