Friday, September 27, 2019

Life is like a Frappuccino

I love frappuccinos, like LOVE them. The interesting thing is I don't even like coffee. How I came to realize my love for frappuccinos was I was SO EXHAUSTED one day. I had to finish an essay for college and was trying so hard not to fall asleep. I knew I needed caffeine. I went to Starbucks and told the barista my dilemma and she recommended a Java chip frappuccino. Unfortunately at the time I didn't realize frappuccinos are like the least caffeinated drinks there are so I was still tired but I thought it was delicious. Then when I graduated from high school I got several Starbucks gift cards. Who knew there were so many different delicious frappuccino flavors? When September hit I decided I wanted to try a Fall frappuccino flavor. I marched into Starbucks and scanned their menu. I saw the salted caramel frappuccino and immediately ordered it. I love most things salted caramel. It took several sips for me to decide what I thought about it. I wasn't prepared for how bitter the coffee made it taste, but it contrasted the salty and sweet perfectly. That's when I realized life is like a frappuccino. Ironically I don't feel well as I am writing this post today. If you read my post about anxiety you know I struggle with anxiety and had some health issues in high school. The doctors never figured out exactly what was wrong but I got a lot better. Needless to say I still have days where I feel really sick. I became a Senegence makeup distributor yesterday, Senegence is THE BEST MAKEUP EVER and it's good for you. I tried Senegence and instantly fell in love with it and loved the idea of being able to work from home. One of the things that really made me decide to start a blog was the idea of being able to help encourage others and work from home and kind of around my own schedule since I still feel sick randomly sometimes. (I do not make money from blogging at the time of writing this post.) When people first meet me they often think I am fake because I am so perky. People even ask my mom if I am really, actually that happy all of the time. Most of the time, yes, I am. Of course sometimes I don't feel well or I have a bad day but put on a brave face anyway, but most of the time I am happy. People are confused by this when they hear about how sick I was for so long and often how sick I still am at times. I attribute this to the bitter and the sweet! Being happy doesn't mean life isn't hard or that everything is perfect and nothing is wrong. When you have tasted the bitter, you realize just how sweet the sweet can be. If I am out of the house no matter what I am doing I am probably happy because I know what it's like to be too sick to leave the house for long periods of time. If I had not tasted the bitter I would not realize how sweet the sweet really is and people who have super easy lives and are really successful are often not truly happy. Have you ever eaten something that is so sweet it makes you sick to your stomach? I assume that must be how their lives are, too sweet to appreciate the sweetness. Always chasing after more sweet things in life when what they are missing could actually be the bitter. The next time you are having a bad day take a moment to appreciate the bitter and the sweet in your life. Too often we only thank God for the things that are immediately apparent as blessings (the sweet) and try only focusing on what is "good." We don't realize we wouldn't appreciate the sweet without the bitter and even the things we perceive as bitter can later turn out to be our greatest blessings. Just remember, the best frappuccinos are sweet, salty and bitter and life is like a frappuccino :)

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